Here is where you can catch wind of the latest North Delta LLC news.

Recent Announcements

*Coming soon* a unique and fun card game to inspire creativity. Want to help test it? Reach out to [email protected]

*Coming soon* Creative Compass classes are in the works. Want to get on the schedule? Reach out to [email protected]

For the Locals

Local stores, galleries, and coffee shops that carry North Delta LLC products. (Last updated Jul 2024)


Canvas Convergence

The Thinking Spot

Base Camp Coffee & Provisions

Lotus Lake Gifts

Latest on Instagram

NorthWind Blog

This blog is mostly my space to ponder and reflect “out loud”. Like me, the ideas expressed in these posts are subject to change, growth, and new perspectives. Thanks for taking the time to consider and learn with me.

  • What’s the risk?

    What’s the risk?

  • It Makes Sound

    It Makes Sound

  • A Few Good Ones

    A Few Good Ones

  • JOMO


  • How Will I Nourish Today?

    How Will I Nourish Today?

  • Shout Out to the Slackers

    Shout Out to the Slackers

  • Support The Spark

    Support The Spark

  • Create More Than You Consume

    Create More Than You Consume

  • Introducing the PEYSU PALS™

    Introducing the PEYSU PALS™